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The support of constructs in thesaurus tools from a Semantic Web perspective: framework to assess standard conformance
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M. Mercedes Martínez-González and María-Luisa Alvite-Díez, The support of constructs in thesaurus tools from a Semantic Web perspective: framework to assess standard conformance. Computer Standards & Interfaces (2019), doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2019.02.003
Thesauri are conceptual tools useful to achieve semantic interoperability and reusability,
which are relevant goals in the Semantic Web. Thesaurus standards establish, among
other issues, the constructs that can appear in a thesaurus. The ISO 25964 standard for
thesauri, which supersedes ISO 2788, is the evolution of the ISO thesauri standard to a
conceptual approach closer to the Semantic Web. However, it appeared when SKOS -
the W3C Recommendation- was already consolidated as the standard for KOS
(Knowledge Organization System) representation in the Semantic Web, including
thesauri. The evolution from ISO 2788 to ISO 25964, and the relationships between
constructs in ISO 2788/ISO 25964 and SKOS, are studied in this paper. From the
analysis of this comparison, a methodological framework, that focuses on the construct
support, is proposed to evaluate the conformance quality of thesaurus management
tools. Target readers are professionals in charge of thesauri edition. A Semantic Web
perspective is taken to characterize the effect that using SKOS to represent thesauri can
have on the results of the assessment. A proof of concept for the model’s feasibility was
performed on two tools and the analysis of the results of this experimental validation is
presented. The conclusions highlight the model’s suitability for assessing conformance
to the standards concerning support for thesaurus constructs.
Palabras Clave
ISO 2788
ISO 25964
Semantic Web
sofware conformance
standard conformance
thesaurus constructs
thesaurus standards
thesaurus tools
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