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Análisis de la dominancia ocular mediante Eye Tracker
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Grado en Óptica y Optometría
Un incorrecto desarrollo visual puede afectar a los movimientos oculares monitorizados por El Eye Tracker, dispositivo utilizado para observar lasdiferencias entre ojo dominante y no dominante y la diferencia por la dominancia según los diferentes errores refractivos.Mediante el Eye Tracker calibrado para cada sujeto, se han realizado los tests TMT-A y Figuras de Lissajous (para el estudio de movimientos sacádicos yde seguimiento) monocularmente en 17 pacientes, y se han obtenido los parámetros tiempo de resolución, fijaciones, distancia de barrido en pantalla yduración promedio de la fijación. Se utilizó para el análisis estadístico el test Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Se realizó la comparación en los pacientes en función de la dominancia oculomotora, en los que se encuentran diferencias estadísticamente significativas(P˂0,05) mayores teniendo en cuenta el error refractivo. Se ha dado como conclusión que el ojo no dominante motor es más lento sobre todo en hipermétropes respecto emétropes y miopes. Purpose. Ocular movements can be affected by an incorrect visual development. The child could manifest symptoms or not due to a motor ocular movements disorder and this condition could affect to his academic progress. The alterations of these movements probably decrease the fluency and reading ability so important to the reading comprehension and learning. Eye Tracker has been used as a tool to observe the differences between the dominant and non-dominant eye movements, and the difference in dominance according to the different refractive error, for the posterior oculomotor alterations detection related to these parameters.
Material and Methods. Monocular TMT-A (saccadic movements study) and Lissajous Figures tests (follow-up movements study) have been made in 17 patients and the oculomotor dominance and refractive error have been collected. Besides, the resolution time, fixations, the on-screen sweep area and fixation average duration have been obtained by the Eye Tracker Tobii4c (Tobii Tech, Sweden) device measured for each subject. For the statistical analysis, the corresponding test according to the normality (Kolomogorov-Smirnov test) has been used to analyze data registered.
Results. The comparison between 17 patients according to the oculomotor dominance has been made, in which statistically significant differences (P˂0,05) have been scarcely found. However, these differences get increased in the dominance comparison according to the refractive error. It can be noticed that in the TMT-A test, the non-dominant eye movements are less active respect the dominant one, and respect the refractive error it can be seen an slowing down hyperopics’ non-dominant eye movement compared with the myopic and emmetropic patients.
Conclusions. It can be seen a difference in the oculomotor movements according to the oculomotor dominance which is higher taking account the refractive error. The non-dominant oculomotor eye is slower especially in hyperopic patients respect to emmetropic and myopic ones.
Palabras Clave
Eye Tracker
Dominancia ocular motora
Movimientos oculares
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