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José Goyanes Capdevila (1876-1964): pionero de la cirugía vascular española
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Anales de la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Valladolid, 2017, N.54, pags.71-82
Se puede considerar al Dr. José Goyanes Capdevila uno de los ciruanos pioneros a nivel mundial y también español de la cirugía vascular. Desarrolló técnicas de sutura vascular, angioplastia y fue el primero en realizar una sustitución venosa en el tratamiento de un aneurisma poplíteo, además de otras interesantes aportaciones.Sus publicaciones se realizaron en revistas de limitada difusión por lo que su obra no fue conocida de forma generalizada atribuyéndose aportaciones realizadas de forma pionera por Goyanes a otros autores. Se muestra en este trabajo su biografía y se hace una descripción de sus publicaciones tanto científicas como humanísticas. The surgeon José Goyanes Capdevila can be considered one of the pioneers worldwide and also Spanish of vascular surgery. Development of techniques of vascular suture, angioplasty and was the first to perform a venous substitution in the treatment of a popliteal aneurysm, in addition to other interesting contributions.His publications were made in magazines of limited diffusion reason why his work was not known of generalized form being attributed contributions made The surgeon José Goyanes Capdevila can be considered one of the pioneers worldwide and also Spanish of vascular surgery. Development of techniques of vascular suture, angioplasty and was the first to perform a venous substitution in the treatment of a popliteal aneurysm, in addition to other interesting contributions.His publications were made in magazines of limited diffusion reason why his work was not known of generalized form being attributed contributions made in a pioneering way by Goyanes to other authors. This work shows his biography and a description of his scientific and humanistic publications.
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