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Good Governance of Health Diplomacy: A New Agenda of Politics Studies in Indonesia post Covid-19
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Sociology and Technoscience; Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Pandemics and its aftermath in Southeast Asia pags. 215-242
The main purpose of this study was to analyze how did Indonesia face problems of good governance, especially in aspect of accountability, while conducting the health diplomacy and communication in handling Covid-19 issues. A qualitative research method employing constructivism approach were used in this research. The data analysis technique, content analysis, was used to find out Indonesian government statements, policies and actions to handle coronavirus crisis. The article found that Indonesia government faced serious problems of health diplomacy and political communication with international communities; inter-governmental institution and citizens. The findings further revealed that Indonesia developed the “un- smart”, “un-systematic”, “un-objective”, and “un-visionary” ways in practicing diplomacy and communication in the global health crisis. This shows that how important the good governance of health diplomacy and communication, including preparedness in health disaster mitigation in a country, is to handle such effects of global health crisis
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