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Offshore hydrogen production using wave energy
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Máster en Investigación en Ingeniería de Procesos y Sistemas Industriales
The aim of this thesis is to present and evaluate a proposal for designing an off-grid
offshore electrolysis plant powered by wave energy. This plant includes PEM
electrolyzers, a Reverse Osmosis system to produce water with adequate conductivity, a
compression unit to store the hydrogen for transport, and batteries for temporary storage of
electricity for short-time balances. Firstly, a description of the H2OCEAN Project is given.
Then, an introduction with previous works and a presentation of the two proposals that will
be depicted is presented. After that, the components that comprise the proposed plants are
justified and described and simple mathematical models of the different sections of the
plant will be calculated. Finally the performance of the plant in a specific location is tested
in detailed by using measured data, studying the influence of sizing on the expected
performance in the two different proposals.
Materias (normalizadas)
Energías renovables
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
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