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Multi-fault diagnosis in three-phase induction motors using data optimization and machine learning techniques
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Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Electronics, 2021, vol. 10, n. 12, 1462
Induction motors are very robust, with low operating and maintenance costs, and are therefore widely used in industry. They are, however, not fault-free, with bearings and rotor bars accounting for about 50% of the total failures. This work presents a two-stage approach for three-phase induction motors diagnosis based on mutual information measures of the current signals, principal component analysis, and intelligent systems. In a first stage, the fault is identified, and, in a second stage, the severity of the defect is diagnosed. A case study is presented where different severities of bearing wear and bar breakage are analyzed. To test the robustness of the proposed method, voltage imbalances and load torque variations are considered. The results reveal the promising performance of the proposal with overall accuracies above 90% in all cases, and in many scenarios 100% of the cases are correctly classified. This work also evaluates different strategies for extracting the signals, showing the possibility of reducing the amount of information needed. Results show a satisfactory relation between efficiency and computational cost, with decreases in accuracy of less than 4% but reducing the amount of data by more than 90%, facilitating the efficient use of this method in embedded systems.
Materias (normalizadas)
Ingeniería eléctrica
Motores de inducción
Materias Unesco
3306 Ingeniería y Tecnología Eléctricas
Palabras Clave
Multi-fault diagnosis
Principal component analysis
Pattern recognition
Diagnóstico multifallo
Análisis de componentes principales
Reconocimiento de patrones
Revisión por pares
Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (processes No. 474290/2008-5, 473576/2011-2, 552269/2011-5, 201902/2015-0 and 405228/2016-3)
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© 2021 The Authors
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