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Perfiles verticales de propiedades de los aerosoles atmosféricos en la Península Ibérica
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Con el objetivo de profundizar en el conocimiento de las propiedades ópticas y microfísicas de los aerosoles atmosféricos, la red CAECENET combina
datos con resolución vertical, obtenidos mediante ceilómetros, con información de propiedades integradas a la columna atmosférica, que se pueden
obtener mediante fotómetros. Utilizando estos dos tipos de medidas en el algoritmo de inversión GRASP (Generalized Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface
Properties), es posible obtener propiedades ópticas extensivas con resolución vertical. En este estudio, se comparan los datos de esta red con los de
AERONET, considerada red de referencia en el estudio de los aerosoles, obteniendo una buena concordancia. Además, se calcula la climatología entre
2014 y 2023 de perfiles verticales de propiedades de los aerosoles en Valladolid. Por último, se emplean datos de diferentes estaciones para mostrar la
posibilidad de monitorear eventos de transporte de polvo desértico hacia la Península Ibérica utilizando esta red. Atmospheric aerosols play a fundamental role in the Earth's thermal balance; however, they still
pose significant uncertainties. In order to deepen our understanding of their optical and
microphysical properties, various scientific studies have proposed combining vertically resolved
data obtained from ceilometers with column-integrated information obtained from
photometers. By utilizing these two types of measurements in GRASP (Generalized Retrieval of
Aerosol and Surface Properties) inversion algorithm, it is possible to retrieve extensive optical
properties with vertical resolution, such as vertical profiles of scatiering, backscatiering,
extinction coefficients, as well as volume concentration. These results have been used to
establish the CAECENET network, an association of measurement stations in the Iberian
Peninsula that have both photometers and ceilometers collocated, share instrument calibration
protocols, and provide their data to implement this aerosol property calculation methodology.
In order to test the utility of this data in determining the vertical properties of aerosols in the
Iberian Peninsula, this study conducted a comparison of the data provided by this network for
the city of Valladolid with those from the AERONET network, considered as a reference for
columnar aerosol property studies, resulting in a good agreement. These data were also used to
calculate a climatology of vertical profiles of volume concentration and extinction, scatiering,
and backscatiering coefficients. Finally, data from different stations were utilized to demonstrate
the capability of monitoring a desert dust transport event to the Peninsula in near-real-time.
Palabras Clave
Aerosoles atmosféricos
Departamento de Física Teórica, Atómica y Óptica
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