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History education and changing epistemic beliefs about history: An intervention in initial teacher training
Año del Documento
South African Journal of Education
Documento Fuente
South African Journal of Education, 2022, vol. 42, n.3, p. 1-11.
Epistemic beliefs can have an important effect on teaching practices determining how teachers approach a discipline in the
classroom in different contexts. The research reported on here focused on initial teacher education, assessing the pre-service
social studies teachers’ epistemic beliefs about history, and their ideas regarding history education. We examined the way in
which the beliefs of 59 Spanish participants had evolved after an intervention focused the fostering of historical thinking and
understanding. A pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design was applied, using the Beliefs about History Questionnaire
(BHQ), which was supplemented by a qualitative approach. Results indicate progression, although it was more noticeable in
pre-service primary education teachers who adhered to a more nuanced vision about historical knowledge and both
objectivity and subjectivity. The way that participants with different conceptions about history thought about educational
aspects were also examined and discussed. Findings suggest the effectiveness of educational interventions in initial teacher
training to allow pre-service teachers to understand the specificity of this discipline.
Materias Unesco
5803.02 Preparación de Profesores
Palabras Clave
Epistemic beliefs
Historical thinking
History education
Initial teacher training
Revisión por pares
This work was supported by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under Grant BES-2014-068910 in the framework of project EDU2013-43782-P. The work was also supported by GIR EDUHIPA - Universidad de (University of) Valladolid (U01900056).
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