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The Heritage of the Unbuilt: The Value of the Drawing
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Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Luis Agustín-Hernández, Aurelio Vallespín Muniesa, Angélica Fernández-Morales (coords). Graphical Heritage, Volume 2 - Representation, Analysis, Concept and Creation. Suiza, 2020, 178-188.
The graphic heritage is part of an architectural legacy that we must recover, especially in the case of those works that, for various reasons, were not built but were preserved through drawings.Recovering them means reviving them in some way, for which we must imbibe their rules and understand their architecture from their design process. With this desire, we will address the restitution of a series of houses of the modernity, which we will study from their drawings to the subsequent three-dimensional modeling. The new technologies are a fundamental tool that allow us to achieve, not only the establishment of the different version of the houses, but to create a tangible element through its recreation in three dimensions. With this we will be able to understand the project process of those works that were born with the desire to be built. The subsequent analysis will bring up the architecture and, with it, all those ideas that, in addition to being understood through this study, will make us see the trajectory of some of the best-known architects in a different way. Conceiving the drawing of the unbuilt as a heritage to be recovered, allows us to configure the present and, to a large extent, innovate towards the future in our teaching.
Materias (normalizadas)
arquitectura y urbanismo, análisis gráfico, dibujo
Palabras Clave
Unbuilt, architecture, Drawing, Idea, Analysis
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The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
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