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The european joint doctorate “Urbanhist” insights from an innovative training network across Europe
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Taylor and Francis Group
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
CAMERIN, Federico (2023): “The European Joint Doctorate “Urbanhist” Insights from an Innovative Training Network across Europe”. En Heim LaFrombois, Megan E.; Mittal, Jay -eds.-, Routledge Handbook of University-Community Partnerships in Planning Education. Nueva York: Routledge, pp. 235–254. ISBN: 9781003347873. DOI: 10.4324/9781003347873-18
UrbanHist is a scientific training program aimed at PhD students that shaped a new generation
of researchers based on a new transnational and interdisciplinary approach to the field
of urban history in Europe. This program saw the participation of 15 PhD candidates who
were willing to get a double degree and involved in partnerships with the community and
non-academic sector. It promoted a new research field about the investigation of inclusive
historical change of urbanism throughout Europe during the twentieth century. The promotion
of university-community partnerships was more successful for the academic sector than
the non-academic one since UrbanHist was primarily aimed at enabling innovative partnerships
within academia. The transformative approach helped to develop a new consciousness
of European countries through the lens of urbanism to assemble a common history of the
twentieth century. This happened through various initiatives that, in some cases, had an impact
on society. However, the assessment of UrbanHist university-community partnerships is
partially hidden by the lack of in-depth public information about the training experiences
car-ried out by the whole group of PhD candidates in the non-academic sector. The
assessment of UrbanHist transformational approach would be more effective with the
provision of a public ex-post evaluation to find out more about the benefits that innovative
doctoral training had in addressing societal challenges.
Materias Unesco
3329 Planificación Urbana
Palabras Clave
Scientific training program
Urban regeneration
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