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Automated liquid–liquid displacement porometry (LLDP) for the non-destructive characterization of ultrapure water purification filtration devices
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Producción Científica
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Membranes, 2023, Vol. 13, Nº. 7, 660
This scientific publication presents a novel modification of the liquid–liquid displacement porosimetry (LLDP) method, aiming for the non-destructive automated analysis of water purification membrane filtration devices in the microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) range. The technical adaptation of LLDP enables the direct in-line porosimetric analysis of commercial filtration devices, avoiding the filtration devices’ destruction. Six commercially available filtration devices with polyethersulfone (PES) and polysulfone (PS) membranes were studied using an improved device developed by the IFTS, which was based on a commercial LLDP instrument. The filtration devices were evaluated in three different configurations: flat disks, hollow fibers, and pleated membranes. The results obtained using the proposed method were compared with other characterization techniques, including submicronic efficiency retention, image analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and gas–liquid displacement porosimetry (GLDP). The comparison of the results demonstrated that the proposed method accurately determined the porosimetric characteristics of the filters. It proved to be a precise technique for the non-destructive in-line evaluation of filter performance, as well as for periodic quality control and the fouling degree assessment of commercial filtration devices. This modified LLDP approach offers significant potential for the advanced characterization and quality assessment of water purification membrane filtration devices, contributing to improved understanding and optimization of their performance.
Materias (normalizadas)
Water - Purification
Agua - Depuración
Membranes (Technology)
Membrane separation
Separación (Tecnología)
Pore size distribution
Filters and filtration
Electron microscopy
Materias Unesco
2210.19 Fenómenos de Membrana
3328.10 Filtración
2203.04 Microscopia Electrónica
2301.12 Microscopia
Palabras Clave
Liquid–Liquid Displacement Porometry
Porometría de desplazamiento líquido-líquido
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© 2023 The authors
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