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Stories of the Great Famine: “The Hungry Death” as an inspiration for The Countess Cathleen
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Grado en Estudios Ingleses
The Great Irish Famine (1845-1848) resulted in the loss of twenty-five percent of the Irish
population. Thus, the Famine meant a significant trauma for Ireland, which is reflected in
the literature covering this historical period. Many literary works focused on themes such
as starvation, death, and sacrifice. There are two works by Rosa Mulholland and by
William Butler Yeats which deal with the most recurrent themes of Famine literature but
also present a connection between them. This is because William Butler Yeats illustrates
in his play similar literary motifs previously captured in Mulholland’s story. This
dissertation carries out a comparative analysis to show how Rosa Mulholland’s “The
Hungry Death” may have inspired William Butler Yeats to write The Countess Cathleen
without it being a literary adaptation. La Hambruna Irlandesa (1845-1848) significó la pérdida del veinticinco por ciento de la
población irlandesa. Por eso, la hambruna supuso un gran trauma para Irlanda, que se
refleja en la literatura que abarca este periodo histórico. Muchas obras literarias se
centraron en temas como el hambre, la muerte y el sacrificio. Hay dos obras de Rosa
Mulholland y de William Butler Yeats que, además de abarcar los temas más recurrentes
de la literatura de la hambruna, presentan una conexión entre ellas. Esto se debe a que
William Butler Yeats refleja en su obra motivos literarios similares a los plasmados
anteriormente en la obra de Mulholland. Esta tesis lleva a cabo un análisis comparativo
para reflejar cómo “The Hungry Death” de Rosa Mulholland pudo haber inspirado a
William Butler Yeats para escribir The Countess Cathleen sin tratarse de una adaptación
Materias Unesco
5701.11 Enseñanza de Lenguas
Palabras Clave
Rosa Mulholland
William Butler Yeats
Figura materna
Mother figure
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