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Propuesta didáctica para el fomento de la iniciativa en el aula de Educación Infantil
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Grado en Educación Infantil
Along our lives, we will have to use our initiative in different moments in scholar, personal or
work place. If we boost the initiative from the early ages, we will be educating our
entrepreneurial spirit of our students, closely liked to business and labour aspects.
This document contains a series of theorical aspects related with the initiative, a series of
definitions of the term, Erikson vision of the initiative and it’s relation on children’s
development; the present which has on the legal frame work and a serial of benefits on a long
and promote the initiative in the early ages.
To finish, there’s a proposal of intervention, whose main objective is to promote the initiative of
the students of early childhood education, through a series of activities specifically designed for them.
Materias (normalizadas)
Autonomía en el niño
Psicología evolutiva
Aparece en las colecciones
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