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Mathematical political districting taking care of minority groups
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Annals of Operations Research, agosto 2021, vol. 305, n. 1-2, p. 375-402
Political districting (PD) is a wide studied topic in the literature since the 60s. It typically
requires a multi-criteria approach, and mathematical programs are frequently suggested to
model the many aspects of this difficult problem. This implies that exact models cannot be
solved to optimality when the size of the territory is too large. In spite of this, an exact formulation
can also be exploited in a heuristic framework to find at least a sub-optimal solution for
large size problem instances.We study the design of electoral districts in Mexico, where the
population is characterized by the presence of minority groups (“indigenous community”)
who have a special right to be represented in the Parliament. For this, the Mexican electoral
law prescribes that a fixed number of districts must be designed to support the representation
of the indigenous community.We formulate mixed integer linear programs (MILP) following
these two principles, but also including the basic PD criteria of contiguity and population
balance. The district map is obtained in two stages: first we produce the fixed number of
indigenous districts established by the Law; then we complete the district map by forming
the non-indigenous districts. This two-phase approach has two advantages: a dedicated
objective function can be formulated in Phase 1 to form indigenous districts at best; in the
second phase the instance size is reduced (both in the number of territorial units and in the
number of districts) so that the computational effort to solve the problem is reduced as well.
We test our procedure on the territory of Chiapas in Mexico and on some fictitious problem
instances in which the territory is represented by a grid graph. We also compare our district
map with the Institutional one currently adopted in Chiapas
Materias (normalizadas)
Circunscripciones electorales
Materias Unesco
12 Matemáticas
5905.01 Elecciones
Palabras Clave
Political districting
Minorities’ representation
Respect of administrative boundaries
Graph partitioning
Mixed integer linear programming
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