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Software Design Smell Detection: a systematic mapping study
Año del Documento
Springer Nature
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Software Quality Journal 27, 1069–1148 (2019)
Design Smells are indicators of situations that negatively affect software quality attributes such
as understandability, testability, extensibility, reusability, and maintainability in general. Improving maintainability is one of the cornerstones of making software evolution easier. Hence,
Design Smell Detection is important in helping developers when making decisions that can
improve software evolution processes. After a long period of research, it is important to
organize the knowledge produced so far and to identify current challenges and future trends.
In this paper, we analyze 18 years of research into Design Smell Detection. There is a wide
variety of terms that have been used in the literature to describe concepts which are similar to
what we have defined as “Design Smells,” such as design defect, design flaw, anomaly, pitfall,
antipattern, and disharmony. The aim of this paper is to analyze all these terms and include
them in the study. We have used the standard systematic literature review method based on a
comprehensive set of 395 articles published in different proceedings, journals, and book
chapters. We present the results in different dimensions of Design Smell Detection, such as
the type or scope of smell, detection approaches, tools, applied techniques, validation evidence, type of artifact in which the smell is detected, resources used in evaluation, supported
languages, and relation between detected smells and software quality attributes according to a
quality model. The main contributions of this paper are, on the one hand, the application of
domain modeling techniques to obtain a conceptual model that allows the organization of the
knowledge on Design Smell Detection and a collaborative web application built on that
knowledge and, on the other, finding how tendencies have moved across different kinds of
smell detection, as well as different approaches and techniques. Key findings for future trends
include the fact that all automatic detection tools described in the literature identify Design
Smells as a binary decision (having the smell or not), which is an opportunity to evolve to
fuzzy and prioritized decisions. We also find that there is a lack of human experts and
benchmark validation processes, as well as demonstrating that Design Smell Detection
positively influences quality attributes.
Palabras Clave
DesignSmell . Antipatterns. Detection tools. Quality models. Systematic mapping study
Revisión por pares
Consellera de Cultura, Educacion e Ordenacoin Universitaria (accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Version del Editor
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© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
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