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The cadastre as a source for the analysis of urbanization dynamics. Applications in urban Areas of medium-sized inland Spanish cities
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Sánchez Ondoño, I., Cebrián Abellán, F., & Garcia-Gonzalez, J. A. (2021). The Cadastre as a Source for the Analysis of Urbanization Dynamics. Applications in Urban Areas of Medium-Sized Inland Spanish Cities. Land, 10(4), 374
This article presents a methodological proposal using the cadastre as a tool to analyze urbanization dynamics. It is backed by an in-depth review of the related literature concerning Spain and Mediterranean Europe. The work uses the cadastre as a source of information, specifically leveraging the urban parcels and real estate obtained from the CAT files. After the data were collected, interpreted and organized, complementary statistical and cartographic methodologies and tools were used, together with the required database management. The goal of the study was to analyze the behavior of five intermediate cities and their urban areas, with the aim of comparing the construction dynamics between the cities and the municipalities located in their respective areas of influence in the period 2000–2016. The work is framed within the debate on urban sprawl, sustainability and the need for tools for town and regional planning. The main conclusion of the work reflects the necessity of a better understanding of the processes of transformation in cities, in which the use of cadastral data is key, given its reliability and updated information, despite the difficulty involved in accessing the data structure.
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