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Las pinturas murales de la capilla de Santa Bárbara, en la antigua colegiata de Santa María la Mayor de Valladolid
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BSAA Arte: Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte, 2011, N.77, pags.11-26
La capilla de Santa Bárbara, en la antigua colegiata de Santa María la Mayor de Valladolid, cuenta con una interesante pintura mural tardogótica en el interior de un arco cegado en su muro oriental. Aunque su estado de conservación impide una visión completa del conjunto, aún se pueden distinguir cuatro escenas relativas a la vida de Santa Bárbara, con el episodio de la elevación de su alma a los cielos en el remate. The chapel of Saint Barbara of the former collegiate church of Saint Mary the Great of Valladolid has a magnificent wall painting of the late Gothic period, which placed on the east wall of the mentioned chapel, it is housed by a pointed arch. Although its condition is not completely ideal, a set of four scenes relating to the life of Saint Barbara can be discerned. Finally, on the top of this wall painting, it also has been depicted the episode of the elevation of Saint Barbara's soul to the heaven.
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