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Illustrations of the First World War
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Grado en Estudios Ingleses
England entered the First World War (WWI) on 4 August 1914, and it is a pivotal event
for the world history, and more specifically, for the comprehension of the twentieth
century due to the enormous impact it caused in society. Once WWI finished, the world
was no longer as it had been previously. It brought, on the one hand, the end of the
geopolitical order known until the nineteenth century. This way, we can appreciate the
disappearance of four empires, the German, the Turkish, the Russian, and the Austro-
Hungarian one, giving birth to other new nations that will occupy their places on the
map. In Russia, we will find the establishment of the Bolshevik Government, while the
United States of America will become a new world power. The previous moral values
are going to be very questioned once WWI ended, and the mentality of the whole
Europe changed radically due to the great amount of destruction and losses it caused:
now, progress could also mean something fatal for humankind.
Materias (normalizadas)
Guerra, 1914-1918 (Mundial, 1ª) - Ilustraciones
Departamento de Filología Inglesa
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