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dc.contributor.authorAldea López, Sergio
dc.contributor.authorLlanos Ferraris, Diego Rafael 
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Escribano, Arturo
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2016 4-8 July, 2016, Rota, Cádizes
dc.descriptionProducción Científicaes
dc.description.abstractTransactional Memory (TM) is a technique that aims to mitigate the performance losses that are inherent to the serialization of accesses in critical sections. Some studies have shown that the use of TM may lead to performance improvements, despite the existence of management overheads. However, the relative performance of TM, with respect to classical critical sections management depends greatly on the actual percentage of times that the same data is handled simultaneously by two transactions. In this paper, we compare the relative performance of the critical sections provided by OpenMP with respect to two Software Transactional Memory (STM) implementations. These three methods are used to manage concurrent data accesses in ATLaS, a software-based, Thread-Level Speculation (TLS) system. The complexity of this application makes it extremely di cult to predict whether two transactions may conflict or not, and how many times the transactions will be executed. Our experimental results show that the STM solutions only deliver a performance comparable to OpenMP when there are almost no conflicts. In any other case, their performance losses make OpenMP the best alternative to manage critical
dc.publisherUniversidad de Salamancaes
dc.titleCritical Sections and Software Transactional Memory Comparison in the Context of a TLS Runtime Libraryes
dc.rights.holderSus autoreses
dc.title.event16th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2016es
dc.description.projectMICINN (Spain) and ERDF program of the European Union: HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876-P), CAPAP-H5 network (TIN2014-53522-REDT), and COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS).es
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International

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