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dc.contributor.advisorMato Chaín, Fidel Antonio es
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz Yánez, Ximena Maribel
dc.contributor.editorUniversidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales es
dc.description.abstractThe functional structure of any Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) can be represented as a graph, i.e., a mathematical abstraction of structural relationship between discrete objects, acoording to Mah [1]. In HEN parlance objects of nodes or vertexes to translate as heat exchangers (HXs) and the structural relationship of edges as the set of convetive (streams) and thermal connections between them. A path is a sequence of distinct and consecutive edges (and the associated vertexes) between two vertexes. And a circuit, a cycle or a loop is a path with the two terminal vertexes being the same. The aim of this work is to establish in a clear way and over sound foundations the fundamnetals of path-finiding in HENs, as well as to propose a detailed procedure enabling practical, automated
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio Ambientees
dc.subjectIntercambiadores de calores
dc.titleAutomated determination of enthalpy flow pathways in heat exchanger networkses
dc.description.degreeMáster en Energía: Generación, Gestión y Uso Eficientees

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