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Biocompatible ELR-Based Polyplexes Coated with MUC1 Specific Aptamers and Targeted for Breast Cancer Gene Therapy
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American Chemical Society
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Molecular Pharmaceutics, American Chemical, 2016, vol. 7; 13; (3) p. 795-808
The search for new and biocompatible materials with high potential for improvement is a challenge in gene delivery applications. A cell type specific vector made of elastin- like recombinamer (ELR) and aptamers has been specifically designed for the intracellular delivery of therapeutic material for breast cancer therapy. A lysine-enriched ELR was constructed and complexed with plasmid DNA to give positively charged and stable polyplexes. Physical character- ization of these polyplexes showed a particle size of around 140 nm and a zeta potential of approximately +40 mV. The
incorporation of MUC1-specific aptamers into the polyplexes resulted in a slight decrease in zeta potential but increased cell transfection specificity for MCF-7 breast cancer cells with respect to a MUC1-negative tumor line. After showing the transfection ability of this aptamer-ELR vector which is facilitated mainly by macropinocytosis uptake, we demonstrated its application for suicide gene therapy using a plasmid containing the gene of the toxin PAP-S. The strategy developed in this work about using ELR as polymeric vector and aptamers as supplier of specificity to deliver therapeutic material into MUC1-positive breast cancer cells shows promising potential and continues paving the way for ELRs in the biomedical field.
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Revisión por pares
Este trabajo forma parte de los Proyectos de Investigación financiados por la Comisión Europea a través del Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) y de la Consejería de Educación mediante el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF), el MINECO (Proyectos MAT2013-41723-R, MAT2013-42473-R, PRI−PIBAR-2011-1403 y MAT2012-38043), la Junta de Castilla y León (Proyectos VA155A12, VA152A12, and VA244U13), el CIBER-BBN y el Instituto de Salud Carlos III mediante el Centro de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León.
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