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dc.contributor.advisorGómez Pallarés, Manuel es
dc.contributor.authorBugarín Labrador, Raquel
dc.contributor.editorUniversidad de Valladolid. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias es
dc.description.abstractNowdays increasing awareness of celiac disease and market demands have driven interest in the development of gluten-free breads with differentiated value. The absence of gluten results in a liquid dough unable to retain the maximum gas produced during fermentation, resulting in products of low organoleptic quality and high rate of hardening. The efficacy of dietary fibers in their formulation has been proven thanks to their water retention and gelling capacity. Citrus fiber is a by-product of the food industry with potential for reincorporation into the food chain due to its technological properties and nutritional benefits, but little studied in this field. This project aims to incorporate citrus fiber to develop a gluten-free bread formulation with optimal characteristics. Its physicochemical properties have been studied in dilutions with starch, showing an increase in water retention when subjected to stress, an increase in maximum viscosity and a decrease in the hardness of the gels formed. The tests for their incorporation into the doughs resulted in the need for greater hydration to reach their maximum volume. From the analysis of the breads obtained, it was concluded that the addition of 6% citric fiber had a certain inhibitory effect on the elasticity and viscosity of the dough, as well as on its growth. It improved the preservation of the breads by decreasing their drying and delaying starch retrogradation, although mold growth increased due to the high availability of water. The organoleptic characteristics of breads with citrus fiber were declared adequate by a group of experts. (Resumen solo disponible en inglés)es
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartamento de Ingeniería Agrícola y Forestales
dc.subject.classificationFibra cítricaes
dc.subject.classificationPan sin glutenes
dc.subject.classificationCapacidad de retención de aguaes
dc.titleDesarrollo de panes sin gluten con elevado contenido en fibraes
dc.description.degreeMáster en Calidad, Desarrollo e Innovación de Alimentoses
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.unesco3309.04 Panaderíaes

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