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Relationships between rhizosphere microbiota and forest health conditions in Pinus pinaster stands at the Iberian Peninsula
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Applied Soil Ecology, 2024, vol. 193, 105142
Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) is a Mediterranean forest tree species of great ecological importance within the European Union and the Iberian Peninsula in particular, whose presence is seriously threatened by forest decline. Knowledge of the diversity, abundance, and functionality of rhizospheric microorganisms can provide important information in the design of new strategies for sustainable forest management against forest decline. In this work, rhizospheric samples were collected from representative pine forests in the region of Castilla y León (North-western Spain) (in 10 municipalities of 5 different provinces), analyzing different physicochemical parameters and bacterial and fungal biodiversity (by metabarcoding). In addition, different variables of tree health and climatic conditions were analyzed. The main phylum of microorganisms found in the rhizosphere of P. pinaster were the Ascomycota (54.5 %) and Acidobacteria (16.4 %) in fungi and bacteria, respectively. A clear relationship was found between the presence/absence of certain bacterial and fungal groups (taxonomic and functional) and the presence/absence of healthy/sick trees. Specifically, the fungal genus Umbelopsis and the bacterial genus Paenibacillus were thought as possible control agents of decline, as their presence was related to the absence of disease. Understanding the relationships between rhizosphere microbiota and forest health parameters in Pinus pinaster can be only achieved by exploring the complex ‘ecosystem microbiome’ and its functioning using focused, integrative microbiological and ecological research performed across multiple habitats.
Materias (normalizadas)
Gestión forestal
Materias Unesco
3106 Ciencia Forestal
Palabras Clave
Maritime pine
Forest decline
Pino marítimo
Disminución del bosque
Revisión por pares
Propietario de los Derechos
© 2023 The Authors
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