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i-Fab laboratory plan costing
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Grado en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial
This paper studies the cost of the simulation process taught in the i-FAB laboratory of the Carlo
Cattaneo-Liuc University. Starting from a general base of the teachings provided in this
simulation course, as well as an analysis of the simulation process.
The elements used in the laboratory that allow to undertake the previous challenges are
analyzed bibliographically and the production process is simulated to analyze the interest of
introducing them in the industry. Especially the effect of digital and technological
transformation in the industry is studied.
To finally make a cost plan for the investment made by the university so that this course can
be carried out. As well as the annual cost that this department supposes, introducing
amortizations according to the European model La tesis ha consistido en un trabajo descriptivo y analítico sobra la parte de laboratorio de simulación de la facultad Carlo-Cattaneo. Comenzando por describir que se hacia en este laboratorio, así como la maquinaria utilizada para llevar acabo su labor. Para pasar en una segunda parte a una visión general de lo que puede costar a una universidad un laboratorio de esas características. Tanto inversión inicial en robótica, herramientas y utensilios que pueden ser usados. Tanto como el mantenimiento de este laboratorio.
Materias Unesco
1203.26 Simulación
Palabras Clave
Simulation process
Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados
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- Trabajos Fin de Grado UVa [30609]
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