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Ceramics for building structures made from contaminated soils: A fuzzy logic intelligence approach to circular mining
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Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Processes, 2023, Vol. 11, Nº. 5, 1512
Soils contaminated by mining activities are a major environmental concern, and to avoid this type of environmental impact, carrying out high-cost processes is necessary. For this reason, a solution is proposed in this study in order to eliminate the soils contaminated by mining activities and, in turn, prevent the soil’s contaminating elements from causing harm. All this is achieved by using contaminated soils as raw materials for the production of ceramics for bricks. For this purpose, the materials were initially characterized physically and chemically, and different ceramic test pieces were manufactured with different percentages of clay and contaminated soil, subsequently determining the physical properties and the leaching of toxic elements. In this way, it was possible to evaluate, via innovative data mining and fuzzy logic techniques, the influence of the contaminated soil's contribution on the properties of ceramics. Based on this, it was possible to affirm that the contaminated soil incorporation negatively affects the physical properties of ceramics as well as the leaching of polluting elements. The ceramic formed by contaminated soil and clay has a lower compressive strength, and it is associated with lower linear shrinkage and lower density, as well as higher porosity and cold-water absorption. However, the addition of different percentages of contaminated soil (up to 70%) to clay created a ceramic that complied with regulation restrictions. Therefore, it was possible to obtain a sustainable material that eliminates environmental problems at a lower cost and that fits within the new circular mining concept thanks to fuzzy logic techniques.
Materias (normalizadas)
Mining waste
Minas - Aspectos ambientales
Contaminated soil
Soil pollution
Suelos - Polución
Building materials
Fuzzy logic
Lógica difusa
Data mining
Procesamiento de datos
Engineering structures
Materias Unesco
5312.09 Minería
3305.32 Ingeniería de Estructuras
3313.04 Material de Construcción
3312.03 Materiales Cerámicos
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© 2023 The authors
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