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“The Role of Presuppositions and Default Implicatures in Framing Effects”
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“The Role of Presuppositions and Default Implicatures in Framing Effects”, en Tadeusz Ciecierski & Paweł Grabarczyk (eds.), Context Dependence in Language, Action, and Cognition, De Gruyter’s Epistemic Studies. Philosophy of Science, Cognition and Mind series, Berlin, 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110702286-011, 181-208.
Framing effects have hardly been studied from the philosophy of language.
The variations in how subjects respond to positively or negatively framed
descriptions of the same issue have received attention from social science research,
where, nevertheless, a naïve understanding of speech interpretation
has undermined the different explanations offered. The present paper explores
the semantic-pragmatic side of framing effects and provides an explanation of
this phenomenon in terms of pragmatic presuppositions and default implicatures.
It is argued that the problem of valence framing includes two overlapping
phenomena; on the pollster’s side, there are wrong pragmatic presuppositions as
to the kind of context that is relevant for survey interpretation, whereas the addressee
proceeds by automatically connecting a certain kind of frame to a certain
kind of implicit information related to the most common context of use.
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