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Cardiotoxicity secondary to immune checkpoint inhibitors in the elderly: Safety in real-world data
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Producción Científica
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Cancers, 2023, Vol. 15, Nº. 17, 4293
Simple Summary: Immunotherapy is the mainstay treatment for most solid tumours. However, its cardiotoxicity is not yet known and studied, and its uncertainty is even greater in elderly patients. For this reason, this ambispective study was conducted in 195 patients over 70 years of age who were treated with immunotherapy. The percentage of patients with cardiotoxicity was 1.54%; 1.35% of patients with previous heart disease were diagnosed with cardiotoxicity, and 1.65% of those without previous heart disease were diagnosed with cardiotoxicity. The median time from the initiation of treatment until the cardiac event was 45 days. The most frequent toxicity was myocarditis, which was identified in 66.7% of patients, followed by arrhythmias in 33.3% of patients. In conclusion, immunotherapy is shown to be a safe treatment in elderly cancer patients in terms of cardiotoxicity. Introduction: Immunotherapy represents a key pillar of cancer treatments, with high response rates and long survival. Its use is increasing, mainly at the expense of the geriatric population due to the ageing of this population. However, despite its benefit, its safety in certain areas such as cardiotoxicity is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to assess the safety of immunotherapy in elderly patients using real-world data. Methods: This is an ambispective study of patients ≥ 70 years old with solid tumours who were treated with immunotherapy at the University Hospital of Salamanca. Cardiotoxicity was assessed using the CTCAEv5.0 criteria. Results: In total, 195 patients were included (76.9% male and 23.1% female), with a mean age of 75 years [70–93]. The percentage of patients with cardiotoxicity was 1.54%; 1.35% of patients with previous heart disease were diagnosed with cardiotoxicity, and 1.65% of those without previous heart disease were diagnosed with cardiotoxicity. The median time from the initiation of treatment until the cardiac event was 45 days [14–96]. The most frequent toxicity was myocarditis in 66.7% of patients, followed by arrhythmias in 33.3% of patients. Conclusions: Immunotherapy is shown to be a safe treatment in elderly cancer patients in terms of cardiotoxicity. The event rate shows no difference between patients with or without cardiac comorbidity.
Materias (normalizadas)
Cancer - Immunotherapy
Cáncer - Inmunoterapia
immune checkpoint inhibitors
Cancer - Immunological aspects
Older people
Personas de edad
Cardiovascular system - Diseases
Cardiovascular, Aparato - Enfermedades
Materias Unesco
3201.01 Oncología
3207.04 Patología Cardiovascular
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© 2023 The authors
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