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Parental Digital Mediation According to the Age of Minors: From Restraint and Control to Active Mediation
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Producción Científica
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Suárez-Álvarez, R.; Vázquez-Barrio, T.; de Frutos-Torres, B. Parental Digital Mediation According to the Age of Minors: From Restraint and Control to Active Mediation. Soc. Sci. 2022, 11, 178. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11040178
Research shows that parental mediation is essential for the introduction of minors into the digital environment and their development therein as well as to reduce their exposure to online risks. The present study examines parental strategies depending on whether minors are (dis)connected to the Internet and whether they differ according to their age. The motivations for minors to connect are also examined in relation to the frequency to which they connect to the Internet (activities related to school or learning, interacting with friends, and being entertained). The sample consists of 776 Spanish families with minors aged 5–17. Results show that parental mediation depends on the age of the minor, parental mediation strategies are more restrictive when minors are younger, and as their age increases strategies become more dialogue and collaboration oriented. In adolescence, parents mainly control internet purchases, yet they become more flexible with minors’ presence on social networks. The conclusions reveal that parental mediation is in the process of evolving from a restrictive approach to one that is more empathetic. The change in mediation is due to a greater awareness of the relevance of proper use of the Internet for the well-being of their children.
Materias (normalizadas)
Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad
Materias Unesco
5311.01 Publicidad
Palabras Clave
social networks
parental mediation
Revisión por pares
Funded by Comunidad de Madrid under the project “New scenarios of digital vulnerability: media literacy for an inclusive society” (PROVULDIG-2-CM) (ref. H2019/HUM5775), the Autonomous Region of Madrid (CAM) and the European Social Fund (1 January 2020–31 December 2022)
Financiado por el Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia del Gobierno de España, con el proyecto I+D+I titulado: «INTERNETICA Verdad y ética en las redes sociales. Percepciones e influencias educativas en jóvenes usuarios de Twitter, Instagram y YouTube» con referencia: PID 2019-104689RD-100.
Financiado por el Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia del Gobierno de España, con el proyecto I+D+I titulado: «INTERNETICA Verdad y ética en las redes sociales. Percepciones e influencias educativas en jóvenes usuarios de Twitter, Instagram y YouTube» con referencia: PID 2019-104689RD-100.
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