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El uso del Heurísticos y material TEACCH en la Resolución de Problemas con Estudiantes con Autismo-Síndrome de Asperger
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Edma 0-6: Educación Matemática en la Infancia; Vol. 13 Núm. 2 (2024): Monográfico: De MAVI a EdMa06: una mirada “afectiva” a la educación matemática en edades tempranas pags. 1-17
This study reports on the use of heuristics and TEACCH materials by students with Asperger syndrome for problem-solving tasks in a workshop. Taking visual representation as an organising principle, the use of heuristics such as trial and error, seeking regularities, and going backwards helped students overcome the difficulties associated with literal thinking and cognitive inflexibility, and poor shared and sustained attention related to deficits in central coherence and executive functioning. The interaction between, on the one hand, these heuristics, the visual material and manipulatives, and on the other, the characteristics of Asperger syndrome which they aim to mitigate is also considered.
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