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Relevance of communication strategy and its relationship with insight to achieve advertising effectiveness: the Spanish case
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Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Cuadernos.Info, 2020, vol. 46, p. 249-280
This qualitative research examines the role that the communication strategies used by brands have played from 2009 to 2018 (both years included), to achieve advertising effectiveness and thus achieve their communication and marketing objectives. The analysis of 39 cases of study of the awarded campaigns in the Gold Category, in business communication efficiency, of the Eficiencia awards in the last 10 years, along with the realization of a Delphi panel of 12 experts from the
advertising sector, in the field of strategic planning, provide real and novel data about
this subject. The conclusions show the relevance of communication strategies in the
development of an advertising campaign and to what extent insight is important in
this process, since it appears in 23 of the 39 campaigns analyzed, although in ten of
them the insight is not evident, but it is possible. The study also provides an insight
definition and classification, based on the research results, which differentiates
between active and human insight –when the person conducts the action and
expresses it through emotions–, and passive and external insight, when the person
receives the action that induces him/her to buy the product.
Palabras Clave
communication strategies
advertising effectiveness
case studies
advertising campaigns
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