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Early Phonological Acquisition in a Set of English-Spanish Bilingual Twins
Año del Documento
Georgetown University Press
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Sanz, Cristina; Leow, Ronald P. (eds). Implicit and Explicit Language Learning: Conditions, Processes, and Knowledge in SLA and Bilingualism. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2011, p. 195-205
This study is the first attempt to examine the early phonological development of bilingual twins. It sought to determine the extent to which the phonological acquisition of twins was similar, and the extent to which the phonological acquisition of the two languages was similar. Language samples from twin boys acquiring English and Spanish simultaneously were taken at 18, 19 and 20 months of age, in English and Spanish. The samples were analyzed using nine measures of phonological acquisition. A scale of phonological similarity was developed to quantify comparisons between the languages and between the children. The results indicated that the phonologies of the twins were 92% similar in each language, showing highly similar, but not identical systems. The phonologies of the languages were 71% similar, indicating that being twin did not impede early language separation.
Materias (normalizadas)
Bilingüismo en el niño
Español (Lengua) - Adquisición
Inglés (Lengua) - Adquisición
Materias Unesco
5701.08 Lenguaje Infantil
5705.06 Fonología
Version del Editor
Propietario de los Derechos
© 2011 Georgetown University Press
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