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In search for the initial translator in translation and bilingualism studies
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Peter Lang
Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Álvarez de la Fuente, E. y R. Raquel Fernández Fuertes.. In search for the initial translator in translation and bilingualism studies. In Jiménez Ivars, A. and M.J. Blasco Mayor (eds.). Interpreting Brian Harris. Recent Developments in Natural Translation and Interpreting Studies. Peter Lang, 2012. p. 11-49.
Translation has been informally and broadly perceived as a commu nicative act that involves the transfer of meaning of a text from one language into another. According to this definition, translation is seen as a process by means of which an equivalence of meaning between two texts is established. This process has been dealt with in the litera ture on translation studies from at least two different perspectives: in the more traditional approach, the equivalence process refers to the semantic, pragmatic and stylistic identity between the two texts, the original text and the target text (e.g. Delisle, 1984; Toury, 1984); this viewpoint, which we may refer to as an extemally-oriented ap proach to translation, implies a prescriptive approach towards this process whose starting point is a series of a priori formal criteria that the translator must meet in order to interpret the original text correct ly and deliver a good translation; under a more communicative perspective, the equivalence process rendering any translation has a more dynamic nature in the sense that, in this rather intemally-ori ented approach (e.g. Nida, 1964; 1976; Seleskovitch, 1976; Rabadán Álvarez, 1991), the reproduction of a message is specially linked and ultimately constrained in a way by the intended interlocutors; that is, the semantic-pragmatic components would weigh more than the mere formal ones in this equivalence process. This last perspective involves then a shift from the text itself towards the speaker and, in particular, towards the speaker the translation is intended for.
Materias (normalizadas)
Traducción e interpretación
Materias Unesco
5701.13 Lingüística Aplicada a la Traducción E Interpretación
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© 2012 Peter Lang
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