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Challenging portability paradigms: FPGA acceleration using SYCL and OpenCL
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As the interest in FPGA-based accelerators for HPC applications increases, new challenges also arise, especially concerning different programming and portability issues. This paper aims to provide a snapshot of the current state of the FPGA tooling and its problems. To do so, we evaluate the performance portability of two frameworks for developing FPGA solutions for HPC (SYCL and OpenCL) when using them to port a highly-parallel application to FPGAs, using both ND-range and single-task type of kernels.
The developer’s general recommendation when using FPGAs is to develop single-task kernels for them, as they are commonly regarded as more suited for such hardware. However, we discovered that, when using high-level approaches such as OpenCL and SYCL to program a highly-parallel application with no FPGA-tailored optimizations, NDrange kernels significantly outperform single-task codes. Specifically, while SYCL struggles to produce efficient FPGA implementations of applications described as single-task codes, its performance excels with ND-range kernels, a result that was unexpectedly favorable.
Materias (normalizadas)
Materias Unesco
1203 Ciencia de Los Ordenadores
3304 Tecnología de Los Ordenadores
Palabras Clave
DataParallelism, FPGA, OpenCL,Portability, SYCL.
Departamento de Informática
This work was supported in part by: the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 8program, under Grant PID2022-142292NB-I00 (NATASHA Project); and in part by the Junta de Castilla y León- FEDER Grants, under Grant VA226P20 (PROPHET-2 Project), Junta de Castilla y León, Spain. This work was also supported in part by grant TED2021–130367B–I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033, by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”; by grant EDC431C 2021/30 (Xunta de Galicia, Consolidation Program of Competitive Reference Groups); and by grant PID2022136435NB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe", EU. Manuel de Castro has been supported by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, through “Ayudas para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario FPU 2022”.
ArXiv preprint. Presented at HeteroPar 2024 (22nd International Workshop Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms),, Madrid, Aug. 27th 2024.
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