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Interview a healthcare professional’: qualitative results of an innovative methodology to promote healthcare humanization and early contact with clinical practice in Medicine students
AMEE 2022. Congreso de la Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE).
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Documento Fuente
AMEE 2022. Congreso de la Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Lyon (Francia), 27-31/08/2022. AMEE Lyon 2022. Abstract Book EPosters on Demand, pp. 504-505.
Background: Innovation in medical education may promote healthcare humanization
and early contact with clinical practice in Medicine students. The aim is to present an
innovative group methodology, the ‘Interview a healthcare professional’ activity, and the
main contents of the interviews in the experiences of the the past two years.
Summary of Work: The methodology was applied in the subject of Psychology (Degree in Medicine, University of Valladolid, Spain) during the academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21.
The procedure was structured in three stages and included contact with the Official
College of Doctors and collaborating clinicians, the design of the interview, written delivery of contents and critical comments by students, assessment by staff members, and obtaining feedback through satisfaction surveys. The COVID-19 pandemic required online adaptation during the first year.
Summary of Results: A total of 315 students performed the activity in both courses (2019-20, n = 164, 70.7% females; 2020-21, n = 151, 72.8% females). Along both academic years, 62 interviews were conducted. Overall, 47 experienced health professionals collaborated in the activity (57.5% females, 91.5% medical doctors, mean clinical experience, 24.7 [SD=6,8] years). During the 2020 lockdown, 58.6% of the interviews were conducted by videoconference. Statements from health professionals are provided on topics such as: the importance of empathy, main factors involved and the role of each part in the doctorpatient relationship, the treatment of cancer patients, and stress management during the pandemic and other crisis situations.
Discussion and Conclusions: ‘Interview a healthcare professional’ is an innovative group methodology using experiential and project-based learning in 2nd year Medicine
students. It facilitates the early contact with healthcare practice, the active role of
students and the better acquisition of theoretical contents.
Take-home Messages: The use of interviews with experienced professionals conducted
by groups of students is a potential methodology in Health Sciences, including Medicine, Nursing, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and Speech and Language Pathology.
Palabras Clave
atención sanitaria
asistencia sanitaria
Propietario de los Derechos
Natalia Jimeno Bulnes
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