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A method for the prioritization of water reuse projects in agriculture irrigation
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Producción Científica
Documento Fuente
Bolinches, A., Blanco-Gutiérrez, I., Zubelzu, S., Esteve, P., & Gómez-Ramos, A. (2022). A method for the prioritization of water reuse projects in agriculture irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 263, 107435.
Water reuse is a strategic priority for Water Authorities in Europe to reduce the pressure on water resources, although implementation is lagging behind expectations due to financial, administrative and social acceptance concerns. In this context, there is a special interest to identify in which specific Wastewater Treatment Plants it would be interesting to add a Water Regeneration Plant, taking account of potential existing clients in the vicinity and the implied costs and benefits. This paper proposes a method to quantify the infrastructure and operation costs of project implementation and the benefits of the additional water offer. An algorithm designs the distribution network, allowing for a quick cost analysis. The method is applied in the Upper Guadiana in Central Spain, where irrigation led to the overexploitation of the local aquifers and the subsequent restrictions on water use. Taking account of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plants, candidate reuse projects are classified according to their benefit/cost ratio, showing large differences according to the location and potential use of the regenerated water. The analysis allows for a quick assessment of the costs and benefits implied in different reuse projects and scenarios, providing science-based evidence to support water policy decisions.
Materias Unesco
5312 Economía Sectorial 01 Agricultura, acuicultura y silvicultura
Palabras Clave
Wastewater treatmentReclaimed waterOptimizationIrrigation networkCost Benefit AnalysisSpain
Revisión por pares
This publication is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency, as part of the Project ‘The contribution of water REuse to a resourCe-efficient and sustainabLe wAter manageMent for irrigatiOn (RECLAMO)’. Grant No. PID2019-104340RA-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
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