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Cathodoluminescence Characterization of Dilute Nitride GaNSbAs Alloys
Topical Collection: 17th Conference on Defects (DRIP XVII)
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Documento Fuente
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2018, Volume 47, Issue 9, pp 5061–5067
The effects of ex situ annealing in N ambient and in situ annealing in As ambient on GaNSbAs/GaAs structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy were investigated by low temperature cross-sectional cathodoluminescence (CL). The amount and distribution of Sb was measured by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The cross-sectional CL analysis of all samples reveals a shift of the near band edge (NBE) emission along the growth axis, presumably associated with a non-uniform incorporation of Sb during the growth process,
in agreement with the Sb distribution measured by EDS in the as-grown sample. The NBE emission in the annealed samples presents a redshift with respect to the as-grown sample. This effect might be explained by a redistribution/activation of N in the GaNSbAs lattice since the Sb distribution measured by EDS does not reveal significant changes, within the error margin, with respect to the as-grown sample. The in situ annealed in the As overpressure
sample shows the best properties for solar cells applications, i.e., a NBE peak position close to 1.0 eV and the lowest full width at half maximum of this emission.
Palabras Clave
Dilute nitrides, GaNSbAs, solar cells, cathodoluminescence, annealing
Spanish Government (MINECO Project ENE2014- 56069-C4-4-R) and Junta de Castilla y Leo´n (VA293U13 and VA081U16 Projects). The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO supports this work through Projects TEC2014-54260- C3-1-P, TEC2014-54260-C3-2-P, TEC2014-54260- C3-3-P, PCIN-2015-181-C02-01 and PCIN-2015- 181-C02-02.
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