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Dynamical Modelling of the Global Cement Production and Supply System, Assessing Climate Impacts of Different Future Scenarios
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Sverdrup, H.U., Olafsdottir, A.H. Dynamical Modelling of the Global Cement Production and Supply System, Assessing Climate Impacts of Different Future Scenarios. Water Air Soil Pollut 234, 191 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-023-06183-1
The global cement and concrete demand, production, supply, and the general global market price
was modelled using the WORLD7 model for different future scenarios. The model was used to analyze
some possible measures to reduce the climate impact of cement production. The main result from this study is that three factors may bring regulatory limitations to be imposed on cement production. The contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere, the amount of iron used in construction and the use of energy in production are the main factors that may cause limitations. Cement accounts for about 8% of the global CO2 emissions and energy use at present, and this fraction is projected by the simulations to continue to increase. To reduce CO2 emissions from cement production, ending fossil fuel use for calcination, combined with a change towards using mortar as an alternative for making concrete should be con-
sidered. Our conclusion is that the long-term limitation for cement production is the availability of carbon-free energy, and the availability of iron for reinforcement bars. Eliminating the use of hydrocarbons for cement calcination may reduce the future the contribution from cement by 38%. Eliminating the use of hydrocarbons for calcination combined with substituting cement with mortar to 50%, the contribution to the future global average temperature increase is reduced by 62%. Eliminating the use of hydrocarbons for calcination combined with substituting cement with mortar to 90% is a reduction by 90% in the contribution from cement.
Materias (normalizadas)
Systems dynamics
Materias Unesco
3322.05 Fuentes no Convencionales de Energía
Palabras Clave
Systems dynamics
Climate change
Revisión por pares
This study contributed to the EU H2020 LOCOMOTION Project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 821105/H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2. Project coordinator is Dr. Luis Javier Miguel Gonzales at University of Valladolid, Spain. Dr. Deniz Koca at the Centre for Environment and Climate Research at Lund University, Sweden, was involved in much of the earlier development of the precursor WORLD6 that eventually became WORLD7.
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